Thursday, March 20, 2008

Welcome to JPWN's new Blog!

Over the past several months, we have been thinking of different ways to keep our web site updated. Our web site was hopelessy out-of-date, which caused a ton of confusion. Finally, after hearing our January speaker, Toby Bloomberg, discuss blogging and new media, we had a eureka moment and decided to set up a blog attached to our events page that we can update from work, home and even our cell phones.

Expect to see our posts to this blog on upcoming events. This way you can register early for events and keep track of any venue or date changes. We are also going to use the blog in place of our newsletters, but still keep all of our features like Person, Place or Thing and the Jewish Professional Featured Woman.

What do you have to do to receive our posts? Well, you can do nothing and just receive an email from us when we have something important to share, just like you receive emails from us now. Or you can check our blog periodically by making a favorite. Even better, you can subscribe to our blog. If you have google reader, click here: Add to Google
I (Ronni) have personally become addicted to GoogleReader as a way to process all of the information about my specialty, E-Discovery, very quickly.

Please make sure to take our polls on the blog (in the right hand column), which will help us plan better events! Also, please let us know if you have any great suggestions for speakers!

Best regards-


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ronnie - Welcome to the wonderful world of social media. Hope you have as much fun as I've had with Diva Marketing.

In addition to subscribing to a Google reader, the RSS .. clicking the orange icon allows you to subscribe to any news reader. is also free and easy to use.