Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jewish Professional Women’s Network

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon with other Jewish women professionals at

King & Spalding LLP~
1180 Peachtree Street, 16th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
(across from Colony Square)


August 28, 2009 ~
§ 11:45 a.m. ~ Registration
§ 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. ~ Connect, Learn and Lunch (please bring your business cards to share with others)

Web Site ~
§ or

Speaker ~
Jane Goldner ~ Author

Ms. Goldner will present,
"Driven to Success in a Running on Empty Economy"

Featuring ~ Power Networking

Space is Limited ~

If you are already a member, register by clicking the following link and paying $20 by credit card:
Member Registration

If you are not already a member, register by clicking the following link and paying $25 by credit card:
Non-member Registration

If you would like to become a member before purchasing a ticket to this event, click here:

Registration fee for the August 28th event includes lunch. You will be notified by email whether you are confirmed to attend the event or whether you have been placed on the waitlist. If you are placed on the waitlist, you will receive email updates as to your status. If there is not availability, your payment will be returned. Cancellations for a refund (not including pal pal fee) must be received by August 21, 2009.

If you have any questions, please contact Ronni Solomon at 404-572-3547 or

Speaker Biography ~
Jane Goldner, Ph.D, president and founder of The Goldner Group, is one of the nation's leading authorities on talent retention, and trusted advisor to Fortune 100 companies, government and military organizations, and small to mid-sized businesses. She is also the author of Driven to Success: A 10-Point Checkup for Achieving High Performance in Business, a step-by-step business guide for leaders.

Dr. Goldner has been a key consultant for organizations such as The Coca-Cola Company, Georgia-Pacific, Georgia Department of Defense, National Guard Bureau Domestic Operations, General Engineering Laboratories and The City of Boca Raton. She specialized in helping senior leadership resolve organizational problems in order to lead their businesses to the next level of success.

For more than 25 years, Dr. Goldner's unique approach has enabled The Goldner Group to grow based on customer loyalty and referrals. The core of The Goldner Group forms the basis for her client partnerships in the areas of leadership and organizational effectiveness. Dr. Goldner leads her team by setting a goal to meet each unique client need. Building a solid leadership team and charting corporate structure for the future is critical to a company's sustainability. By engaging talent throughout the company, she identifies and implements changes to continuously improve business performance.

Dr. Goldner, who has molded the senior leadership of multiple companies nationwide, uses her Business Operating System Solution for Enterprise Results to help companies reach their next level of success. She coaches leaders in building a well-connected organization that communicates across boundaries and is able to attract, develop and retain valuable employees.

Dr. Goldner is the Board Chair for GOAL, a nonprofit organization that changes the world for adolescent girls and is a PathBuilders (Georgia 100) leadership mentor. She is an adjunct professor at Kennesaw State University College of Business.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

JPWN Invitation for June 19th Event featuring Ginger Emas' The Intelligent Woman's Field Guide To Dating

Jewish Professional Women’s Network

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon with other Jewish women professionals at

King & Spalding LLP~
1180 Peachtree Street, 16th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
(across from Colony Square)


June 19, 2009 ~
§ 11:45 a.m. ~ Registration
§ 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. ~ Connect, Learn and Lunch (please bring your business cards to share with others)

Web Site ~Add Video
§ or

Speaker ~
Ginger Emas ~ Author

Ms. Emas will present,
"The Intelligent Woman's Field Guide To Dating"

Featuring ~ Power Networking

Space is Limited ~

If you are already a member, register by clicking the following link and paying $20 by credit card:
Member Registration

If you are not already a member, register by clicking the following link and paying $25 by credit card:
Non-member Registration

If you would like to become a member before purchasing a ticket to this event, click here:

Registration fee for the June 19th event includes lunch. You will be notified by email whether you are confirmed to attend the event or whether you have been placed on the waitlist. If you are placed on the waitlist, you will receive email updates as to your status. If there is not availability, your payment will be returned. Cancellations for a refund (not including pal pal fee) must be received by June 12, 2009.

If you have any questions, please contact Ronni Solomon at 404-572-3547 or

Speaker Biography ~

Ginger Emas has been a freelance writer since 1987 when she left her editor’s job at IBM in Charlotte, N.C., to move to Atlanta. She told everyone she wanted to open her own firm, but the truth was she had dated all of the eligible young men in the tri-city Mecklenburg area and needed a larger pool. She did indeed meet and marry her husband in Atlanta, but after thirteen years of marriage (and fourteen years of couple’s therapy) they divorced – and Ginger lost a husband but gained a life-long friendship. So began Ginger’s self-revealing, humorous and helpful dating survival guide: Back on Top: Fearless Dating After Divorce. Ginger spends her time in Atlanta, and says she is now part of the happy family of four she always wanted: her son, her boyfriend, her ex and herself. For more information, please visit

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Invitation to JPWN Lunch with Dr. Edna Levy on February 12, 2009

Jewish Professional Women’s Network

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon with other Jewish women professionals at

Bryan Cave (formerly Powell Goldstein)

1201 West Peachtree Street
(building across the street from Einstein's)
Atlanta, GA 30309


February 12, 2009

§ 11:45 am ~ Registration
§ 12:00 - 1:30 pm ~ Connect, Learn & Lunch (please bring
your business cards to share with others)

Web Site and


Dr. Edna Levy ~ Brill Director of Jewish Education
Dr. Levy will speak on the following topic: Barbie, Jewish Identity and Me: What Does It Mean to be a Jewish Woman Today?

Space is Limited

If you are already a member, please register by clicking the following link and paying $15 by credit card:
member link

If you are not a member, please register by clicking the following link and paying $25 by credit card:
non-member link

If you would like to become a member before purchasing a ticket to this event, please click here:

Registration fee for this event includes lunch. You will be notified by email whether you are confirmed to attend this event or whether you have been placed on the waitlist. If you are placed on the waitlist, you will receive email updates as to your status. If there is not availability, your payment will be returned. Cancellations for a refund (not including paypal fee) must be received by February 6, 2009.

If you have any questions, please contact Ronni Solomon at 404-572-3547 or

Speaker Biography

Dr. Edna Levy is the Brill Director of Jewish Education at the Lisa F. Brill Institute of Jewish Learning at the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta. Edna has been a teacher at the internationally acclaimed Melton Mini-School for 8 years, and teaches Melton classes at various locations around town, including the Temple, B’nai Torah, Temple Sinai and the Epstein School. She has also served as the Jewish educator at URJ Camp Coleman and Camp Barney Meditz at the MJCCA.

Edna holds a Ph.D in Political Science from the University of California-Irvine, and wrote her doctoral thesis “Gender and Militarism in Israeli Culture” Raised in Canada, Edna and her husband Jacob Schreiber have been wandering professional Jews, living in Rochester NY, Jerusalem and California before settling in Atlanta. They are the proud and busy parents of three Epstein-schooled children, Gavri, Maya and Simi.